4 Defensive Driving Tips

4 Defensive Driving Tips

If you love to travel on the road, it’s important to follow defensive driving tips to keep yourself and other road users safe. Here are some of the most important defensive driving tips to follow so you can travel with peace of mind.

1. Make Sure You’re Healthy Before Driving

Over 90 million adults in the United States are at significant risk for serious eye damage, but only half have visited an eye doctor in the past year. Whether your eyesight is poor or you suffer from any other health conditions, it is essential to be in good health before getting behind the wheel. Make sure to get your eyes checked regularly and visit your doctor if you have any health issues that could affect your driving ability.

For instance, some conditions, such as narcolepsy, can cause drowsiness while driving. Make sure to speak to your doctor and treat any health conditions before you get behind the wheel. While you might face some travel restrictions, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

2. Stay Away From Drugs and Alcohol

Alcohol and other illicit drugs play a role in more than 15,000 fatal car accidents every year. In addition to causing physical impairment, alcohol and drugs can impair your judgment. Before driving anywhere, make sure you are sober and have had no drugs or alcohol. If you take medications that can cause drowsiness, check with your doctor before driving.

It’s always best to plan ahead and never get behind the wheel if you have had any drugs, alcohol or medication that could affect your driving. Consider installing a ride-sharing app on your phone so you can get a ride home if needed. Or, you can look for local Taxi services in advance to have a reliable ride option if you find yourself in such a situation.

3. Be Alert and Mindful of Your Surroundings

A fire department in the United States responds to a fire somewhere every 23 seconds. From trucks catching on fire to natural disasters, anything can happen while you travel on the road. Defensive driving means you should be aware of the road conditions and of the objects around you.

It’s important to maintain a safe distance from other cars and watch out for any sudden changes in traffic patterns or unexpected obstructions that could cause an accident. Always make sure you’re alert, focused, and mindful of your surroundings while driving. You also want to make sure that you have enough time to react when an emergency situation arises.

4. Adhere to the Rules of the Road

Speeding, illegal passing, and tailgating are common on the roads which can all lead to car accidents, especially in inclement weather. Always obey speed limits and other traffic laws and pay attention to road signs indicating what type of behavior is allowed in a certain area. Be patient, never try to pass or speed up when you are not sure if it’s safe to do so. This will help ensure that you and the other road users get to where they need to go safely.

Pay close attention to pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycles sharing the roads with others. Also, keep in mind that different laws apply when you travel. For instance, some states, like California and Montana, allow motorcycles to lane-split. Make sure you know the laws of each state before driving so that you can abide by them and keep everyone safe on the road.

Use these tips and stay safe on the roads. Defensive driving requires you to be aware of your surroundings, adhere to the rules of the road, and keep your health in check before getting behind the wheel. Doing so will help ensure that you travel with peace of mind.