4 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Place to Stay When Traveling

Whether you’re taking a road trip or flying across the country, it’s important that you book your stay in advance at a hotel, motel, or Airbnb before you arrive at your destination. But how exactly do you choose where to stay? Here are a few tips you can use to make your decision a little easier.

1. Know What Options Are Available at Your Destination

Your destination will likely have many different accommodation options to choose from. It can be a bit daunting when you see all the hotels and Airbnbs you can stay at, but you can make a shortlist of the ones you like most.

Once you have a list, look closely at the services and extras these options have for their guests, and choose one that makes the most sense to you.

Even if you’re not going overseas, you should still look at the Airbnb offers in your area. Back in 2016, Airbnb launched Trips, which is an excursion plan, in 12 cities like Detroit. According to Travel Weekly, this plan now includes more than 50 cities.

2. Compare Prices of Hotels or Airbnbs Near Ideal Spots

Whether you’re on a tight budget or not, you need to know what the prices look like and how they compare to each other. One Airbnb or hotel may be a bit more affordable than another one, but it may not have the extras you’re looking for.

Research the hotels and Airbnb options that stand out to you and compare their prices so you won’t be taken by surprise when you’re spending more on accommodation than you wanted to. Keep in mind that these hotels and Airbnbs should be near areas of interest to you, so you don’t have to travel far when going sightseeing.

It’s a good idea to do your search in an incognito tab or while using a VPN, so you can use the “near me” option. Many accommodation providers focus on marketing that considers this kind of search since Google Consumer Trends indicates that 88% of folks who search for businesses with the phrase “near me” will make a purchase within a week.

3. Consider What Amenities You Might Need

Amenities are important. When you travel, you want to be as comfortable as possible, right? Who doesn’t? You should absolutely check out the amenities that the places you’re considering can offer to their guests.

If you want something like a spa experience or a place where you can continue to work out and exercise daily, make sure the accommodation comes with access to such amenities. It’s also good to consider whether you should stay somewhere with a pool. Not only is swimming the fifth most popular activity in the U.S. but your kids will also love to play in the water while they’re on vacation, too.

4. Consider the Food Options

If you’re planning to travel for fun, you should consider indulging in the local cuisine of the area where you’re staying. If that’s not something that interests you, then make sure you’ll have access to the food you know and love no matter where you stay. The food you eat can make or break a trip, so keep this in mind before choosing your accommodation.

It’s essential that you plan for your trip and take all these tips to heart, or you risk having a bad time. A trip that could have been fantastic can be ruined by a lack of proper planning. Once the planning is done, though, and you have the perfect location chosen, you can relax and enjoy your travels the way you want to!