4 Ways to Know If Your Job is Affecting Your Health

4 Ways to Know If Your Job is Affecting Your Health

As most adults know, a job is a basic part of their life and so there’s no escaping it. Regardless of this, sometimes your job may be a source of pain for you when it affects your health in a negative way. Read on to see how you can find out if your job is affecting your mental health and look for ways to deal with it, possibly by getting a new job.

1. You No Longer Have Time to Spend With Loved Ones

If the people close to you are pointing out that you no longer have time to spend with them, it’s important to identify the reason why. You may find that it’s a result of working overtime or simply being too tired after work to create time. This is a worrying sign because you need to have free time to rejuvenate and relax, and if you feel like spending time with the people you love is too taxing, you may be giving too much at work. In a survey, 60% of remote workers responding said that they would leave their current job for a full-time position at the same rate of pay if they could. This shows that your job may be stressful regardless of if it’s remote, full-time, or hybrid, so it’s important to evaluate the details.

2. Your Self-Esteem Has Taken a Beating

If you have suddenly become more withdrawn and don’t really have the drive to hang out with people or do things that brought you joy previously because you feel insecure, it may be as a result of your job. If you have supervisors or bosses who have a habit of belittling you and talking down on you, they may be causing you problems with your self-esteem. With this in mind, you need to take a step back and find a new job. You should feel like you are wanted and your presence is valued so that you enjoy the job, otherwise, it may be a price that’s too high for you to pay. In 2019, according to Forbes, almost 11.36 million plastic surgery procedures were done globally. While not all of them are necessarily avoidable and a result of trying to deal with issues at work, you can bet that some of them are.

3. Your Physical Health is Suffering

If you seem to be losing or gaining weight uncontrollably and cannot point to a specific reason why look at your job. Are your eating habits suddenly out of order since you started your new position? If they are, it may be a coping mechanism to try and find comfort for yourself, and one that may be costing you your health. Similarly, you may feel exhausted all the time and need to go to the hospital for issues more often than before. You may also feel the sudden need to have procedures done, including plastic surgery and such.

4. You Get Sick More Often

While around naive out of every 10 people in the workforce of the United States are protected by workers’ compensation insurance, this does not cover a number of health issues. This is especially the case for minor ailments like the cold. If you seem to be catching such sicknesses a lot more than other people around you, it may be because you are stressed. This is because stress leaves your immunity in a compromised position and makes it harder to fight diseases that other people can fight easily.

If you can identify some or all of these signs in yourself, you need to find out if it’s a result of your job. If it is, remember that no wages equal your health and well-being and look for another job at which you will be happier.