5 Must-Know Tips for Feeding Fussy Dogs

Dogs are not usually fussy eaters. In most cases, people feel they will eat whatever you put in front of them. But, your dog is most likely a fussy eater who has lost interest in the food in their bowl. If your dog refuses to eat their food but is interested in what you’re eating or their favorite treats, they may be just fussy eaters. There is no pill, unfortunately, to fix this issue. As a dog owner, all you have to do is try your hardest to get your picky eater to eat. Here are some tips you can try to help you out.

1- Make sure they’re in good health

The first thing is to check their health. If this fussiness is not normal, then there could be a problem. Your dog may not be well. Before you do anything, take your dog to the vet for a check-up. The appetite for dogs can be like that of humans. When they are sick or undergoing stress, it can affect how they eat. Something could be going on in their mouth. They could have sores, decaying teeth, or infection. A person wouldn’t be able to eat if it is painful. It works that way, too, for dogs.

2- Do something different with the menu

When you are sure there is no issue with your dog’s health, they may need to change what they eat. They might not like the food you are giving them. Why not give your dog food from Chippin. If your dog has a sensitive tummy, then this might be just what they need. It has excellent nutritional value, protein quality, and it is suitable for your pet’s eco-footprint. It has fresh silver carp in it. The one thing to remember when introducing new food to your dog is to do it slowly. This gives their body a chance to adjust to the change of diet.

3- Feed them tiny portions at regular intervals

When feeding your dog, make sure you measure small amounts of food at a time. Then feed them at regular times. Dogs want a routine they can follow. This is especially true about their mealtimes. Make sure you serve them the same measure of food every time. Do not leave the food out for too long. If they do not eat, they may not be hungry, and that’s ok. They can eat at the next interval. This also makes sure the food does not spoil.

4- Do not give your dog leftovers from your plate

 Dog owners often give their dogs leftovers from their plates or give them a bit while cooking. This is a bad habit. It is not healthy for your dog, and it encourages bad behavior. Your dog will end up spoiling their appetite or begging for food while you eat. All these are not acceptable in feeding a dog 101. When you feed your dog from your plate, they are not getting the nutritional value from dog food. The dog food has everything they need. This will ensure they remain healthy.

5- Make their food more appealing

Dog’s taste buds are not the same as ours. The way food tastes are what tempts us. We like the variety that comes with taste. This is not the same for dogs. They have a sharper sense of smell as opposed to taste. So the idea is not to make the food taster, but better smelling. If the food they eat is dry, put a bit of water so that the smell can carry and entice them. Because wet food is more expensive than dry kibble, you may always feed them a blend of wet and dry kibble. This has the extra benefit of preventing tartar build-up on their teeth.

Getting your fussy dog to eat may seem like a mission, but the simple tips mentioned can change your and your dog’s life. It may not be an easy task or an overnight solution, but keep trying. Eventually, you will get it right and have your dog eating with no problems.