5 Things Your Teen Driver Should Know

As a parent, it’s normal to be worried about your teen’s safety while they go on a drive. You can minimize this worry by sharing some important lessons with them to improve their driving, and here are five of them.

1. They Should Service the Car Regularly

Let your teen know that a car will function as well as the condition it’s in, and one way to ensure it’s in the best condition is to service it as often as the manufacturer states that it should be serviced. In total, the economic toll that auto accidents take on the economy of the United States is about $250 billion. This is a lot of money and an amount that you may have to contribute to if your teen were to get into an accident or have their car break down and require it to be fixed on an emergency basis.

2. They Shouldn’t Drive in Harsh Weather

Remind them to check the weather forecast before they drive anywhere, and reconsider the drive if there’s a storm. This is because severe weather can make it hard to drive, even for a seasoned driver. Practice safe driving in extreme weather with them so they know what to do in case they somehow get caught out in a storm. Also give them some safe driving tips, such as reminding them to brake and accelerate gently while maintaining a firm grip on the steering wheel. This should keep them safe on the roads in all seasons.

3. Speed Limits Exist for a Reason

Slowing down may be the last thing that a teen who’s excited by speed wants to do, but they need to understand that speed limits exist for good reason. When they drive fast, they will have a harder time controlling the car and may get into an accident. Their reaction time will be affected, as will their ability to steer and brake well. Roughly 16,000 chemical spills occur each year from trucks, storage tanks, and trains, most often when materials are in the process of being transferred. Such occurrences make the roads riskier to drive on than they normally would be, but there’s a good chance of maintaining control when driving at a safe speed.

4. The Safety Belt Should Always be Worn

Another safety tip to share with your teen is that the moment they get into the car, even before they start the engine and regardless of whether they’re a passenger or a driver, they should wear the seat belt. Keeping the seat belt on is one simple thing that can ensure the safety of a car’s occupants in an accident. Ensure that they always follow this one simple rule and also enforce it for any passenger they may ride with and you will feel a bit more reassured.

5. Drinking and Driving Is a Definite No

Blood alcohol content, which is described as the amount of alcohol that’s present in a person’s bloodstream, should not exceed a certain limit. When someone has a BAC of 0.10%, this means that their bloodstream has one part of alcohol for every 1,000 parts of blood. Since a driver’s BAC is checked when they’re suspected of driving while under the influence of alcohol, it’s important that your teen doesn’t drive after they’ve had a drink. It doesn’t matter how much they feel like they’re in control, tell them to find alternatives to get where they need to go if they take alcohol. The consequences of drinking and driving are all well known, but remind your teen about them to ensure they don’t get tempted to drink and drive.

While telling your teen about how to drive safely, lead by example and they will be more likely to remember the rules.