5 Tips for Teaching Kids About Septic Systems

It’s never too early to teach your kids about septic systems. As a parent, starting early with lessons about septic systems can help your kids understand their importance and how to properly care for them. Here are some tips for teaching your kids about these household units.

1. Explain the Basics

Start by explaining the basics of a septic system, beginning with what it is and how it works. Provide easy-to-understand facts in language that makes sense to them. When discussing the basics, it may be worth telling them that a team of ten working 40 hours a week generates roughly 30 gallons of waste. This would require 2,500 gallons of clean water to treat. You can teach your kids the basics of how septic systems use water and soil to naturally break down and treat waste.

2. Help Them Understand the Importance

Explain why it’s important to properly care for their septic system. Just like other appliances and systems, these septic systems don’t last forever. While you’re at it, explain to your children how the other appliances in your home operate and the importance of routine maintenance.

For instance, most tankless water heaters can last for more than 20 years. But, they require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure they are working properly and efficiently. Explain the importance of properly maintaining a septic system, such as not flushing hazardous materials like diapers, feminine products, and wipes down the toilet, and not overloading it with too much water.

3. Encourage Good Habits

You can help your kids establish good habits when it comes to the septic system by teaching them to observe their water usage habits. Show them how to be mindful of their water usage by taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet in between brushing their teeth, and properly disposing of water-based products like oil or paint. As a parent, you can also lead by example and show them how to properly use the septic system.

In addition, take this opportunity to teach your children about energy waste. For instance, 25% of annual heating and cooling costs caused by old windows can be easily fixed by window treatment. From energy and cooling costs to water waste, teaching your kids to be mindful of their usage is a great way to help them understand how they can contribute to taking care of the septic system.

4. Plan a Visit to a Water Treatment Facility

Field trips are a great way to teach your kids about how their septic system works, and water treatment facilities are the perfect setting. Take a tour of the facility and have your kids observe firsthand how water is treated in order to understand what happens when waste enters the septic system. This educational experience can help bring the concepts they learn at home to life. This can help them better understand the importance of their septic system. Your kids can also ask questions and learn how to properly care for the septic system.

5. Provide Resources

You can provide your kids with a variety of resources to help them understand septic systems better. For instance, there are several websites where your kids can learn more about septic systems, such as the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA). You can also sign up for classes or seminars geared toward teaching children and adults about septic systems. By providing your kids with resources that explain septic system care and maintenance, you can help them become more informed and responsible when it comes to their septic system.

Ultimately, teaching your kids about septic systems is an important step towards giving them the tools they need to properly care for their septic systems. As a parent, you can start helping your children understand why it’s important to maintain their septic system and how to do so. In addition, you should also consider having regular professional inspections and maintenance of the septic system. Regularly scheduled check-ups can help ensure that everything is functioning properly, which reduces the risk of costly repairs in the future.