6 Things to Keep in Mind Before Planning a DIY Wedding

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the typical U.S. marriage that ends in divorce lasts only eight years. Fortunately, not every wedding ends in divorce, and you can have a successful DIY wedding following the tips below.

1. Save For Fees

Just like the dissolution of marriages fees in Colorado is around $230, there are fees associated with planning a wedding. Depending on your budget and how much of the wedding you plan to do yourself, this could range from a few hundred dollars for items like postage or printing costs to thousands of dollars for venues and catering services.

In addition, marriage licenses typically run between $30-100, and officiant fees can range from free (if you use a friend) to hundreds of dollars. It’s important that you plan for these expenses as soon as possible and add them to your budget.

2. Set A Realistic Budget

Before getting started on anything, decide how much money you can realistically spend on the wedding. The average couple will spend around $22,500 for their ceremony. However, you can drastically reduce these costs by DIY-ing your wedding.

Talk to your spouse about realistic goals for the wedding and decide if there are certain areas that you can cut back on or splurge in. Figure out what’s most important to you, and make a list of priorities.

3. Enlist Help From Friends and Family

Many of your friends and family members may be willing to help you out with some of the wedding tasks. Ask your bridal party to pitch in or even task close friends with specific jobs like organizing the ceremony, setting up decorations, or making invitations. While it’s important that you are careful not to overwhelm them, having a few extra hands can make the entire DIY process go much smoother.

Consider hiring a wedding planner or day-of coordinator who can help you manage all of the details leading up to your special day. This way, you won’t have to worry about last-minute tasks and can spend more time enjoying the festivities.

4. Plan Ahead

The key to having a successful DIY wedding is to plan ahead. Start as early as possible and don’t be afraid to ask for help! Have a few friends or family members that you can rely on if you need some extra hands-on deck. Create lists of tasks and delegate them out accordingly.

Think about the bigger picture and plan for unexpected expenses or contingencies. This way, you won’t be scrambling at the last minute to get things done and can instead relax and enjoy your wedding day.

5. Create A Detailed List Of Tasks To Complete

A great way to keep track of everything you need to do for a DIY wedding is by creating a detailed list of tasks you need to accomplish. This can include things like researching venues, ordering decorations and invitations, booking the officiant or DJ, and more.

Break down each task into smaller, manageable tasks and assign yourself a timeline for completion. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed with everything you have to do and can stay organized throughout the wedding planning process.

6. Book Catering and Venues Ahead Of Time

When planning a DIY wedding, it’s important to book venues and catering services well in advance. Make sure to call around and get quotes from different vendors so that you can ensure you are getting the best deal possible.

It’s also important to keep in mind any additional fees associated with booking venues or catering services such as taxes, gratuities, and other hidden costs. Finally, make sure you have all the necessary permits before hosting an event at any given location.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be able to plan an amazing DIY wedding that will make your special day one to remember.