7 Tips to Starting Your Photography Business


Do you find yourself always being asked to take photos at your hangouts with your friends? Have you been scrolling through your camera roll and thought, “Wow, I may have a talent for this”? Well, photography is an incredibly profitable industry to pursue, especially if you have a keen eye for detail and a unique style. To get you started on the road to becoming a successful independent photographer, this article will focus on 7 helpful tips for developing your talents.

1. Garner Inspiration

Every photographer has their specialty. Look around on Pinterest, Instagram, and other platforms to get a feeling of what you enjoy looking at. Bookmark photographers that you enjoy and always collect inspiration when you come across it. Having an idea of what you enjoy will help guide your work.

2. Invest in Quality Equipment

An extravagant shot can be easily ruined with a low-quality camera. Save up for as long as it takes in order to get a high-quality camera. Don’t skimp out on quality, but look for discounts and second-hand options on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. With the right camera, any shot will look 100 times better.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice

This step is the easiest one. Just get out there and start taking pictures! Take photos of anything you want. Take your camera to social gatherings, out to the park, and on vacation. The more practice you get, the more you will fine-tune your skills. Ask your friends to do experimental portrait sessions, or do still lifes with household items.

4. Experiment With Filters

While there are millions of free filters available in various photo-editing software, not every filter is going to jive with your style. Take a look at how color balances affect your compositions, and bookmark the ones that you feel bring out the best in your shots. New free-to-use filters are being made all the time, and some software even allow you to custom-make filters just for your work.

5. Share Your Work

One of the best ways to get exposure is to make your own photography website. With over 900,000 website domains being registered every week, it’s no secret that a quality website grows a business. Look to curate a unified library of the work you are most proud of, paired with an eye-catching yet minimalistic site design.

Additionally, it is crucial for every new photographer to have social media accounts where they share their work. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are awesome ways to get your work to thousands of people, as well as garner a following of people interested in your photography.

6. Build up Your Portfolio

Once you are comfortable with your website and brand, reach out to potential opportunities where you can practice your photography. Offer to do discounted photos for events, and expand your library of experience. Soon enough, you will be receiving inquiries from people looking to get similar photography packages.

7. Never Stop Improving!

The fantastic thing about photography is that it never stops changing. New forms of picture-taking are coming out all the time, and aesthetics and trends are always on the move. Keep finding photographers you admire and continue saving photos you love for inspiration. Utilize the internet’s expanse of free photography tutorials, and keep practicing all the time.

While becoming a master photographer is something that takes time, there are plenty of steps to get you out on the right track. Investing in quality equipment and making your own photography social media accounts are only a few ways to grow your work’s viewer base. Get out there and take photos, and don’t forget to have fun doing it!