How to Make Your Yard More Child-Friendly

As a parent, it’s important to know that you’ve done all you can to keep your child safe. However, this doesn’t have to involve limiting them to only play within a certain area and leaving your yard out of bounds. Enforcing a rule like this may only make them curious to find out why they’re not allowed there. Instead, you need to make sure that everywhere your child can reach is safe and child-friendly, and here’s how you can do that.


The first thing to do is to declutter your yard completely. Doing this is will help allow you to have room for any other improvement you may want to make. When you declutter, you’ll also get rid of any potentially harmful items in the yard so they’re not a risk to your child. Keeping your yard neat is a great way to make sure that it’s not only presentable, but also there are no chances of pests and rodents finding hiding places around it. These pests can hurt your child with bites and stings, making it crucial to keep your yard well-maintained.

Include Some Shade

While children have a lot of energy and don’t seem to mind playing outside in the sun, it’s important for you to provide some shade. This may be in the form of trees or artificial shades that you could place over your patio. If you don’t have a patio, consider adding one to your home, as it will increase its value and also make it easier for you to shade an area for your child to play. Installing a deck is another great option, with the market size of the Deck and Patio Construction industry in America having grown an average of 1.1% per year between 2017 and 2022. Simply find a professional to build your deck and you’ll have given your child an amazing safe area to play.

Install a Fence

Installing a fence around your home is another great addition to make, as it will help provide a restricted area in which your child will be free to play. As a parent, this is one of the best child-proofing methods to get, since it also helps increase your home’s value. When building a fence, note that a solid wood fence, according to Straight Line Fences, can reduce the flow of wind by as much as 50%. This will not only make your yard safer for your child to play in, but it will also make it more comfortable for anyone who wants to spend some time in it.

Replace Old and Faulty Garage Doors

Last but not least, if your garage door is old and faulty, you should think about replacing it as soon as possible. With the average garage door opening and closing between three to five times each day, or about 1,500 times per year, according to Raynor, it’s clear that your garage door can get damaged after some years of use. The garage door has a lot of force, and many parts that may wear out over time, so you need to make sure that yours is in good shape by keeping it well-maintained. If there are any issues, call an expert to look at them right away and fix them. This will give you peace of mind whenever your child is up and about.

Use these methods to make sure that your yard is child-friendly. They’ll also make your home more valuable and more aesthetically pleasing as well. When you have a safe yard around your home, you’ll have played your role as a parent well.