How to Save Money and Energy in Your Home

All homeowners look forward to saving that extra coin in their day-to-day life. One of the main ways you can drastically change a household’s expenditure is with your energy use. Simple steps can greatly affect how much a house spends on energy. Some of these steps are simple habits that we can develop while others are simple additions that we can make to our houses. Energy-saving techniques could possibly save hundreds of dollars in monthly bills.

Maintaining HVAC System

One of the greatest consumers of energy is the air conditioning system. When the heating and cooling needs are met using the minimum energy used, then a family can potentially save hundreds of dollars monthly. The most important step is to ensure that the AC system is working as it should. This can only be achieved through regular maintenance. A faulty air conditioner will continually use up your power whereas they do not provide the service. According to, maintenance of the AC system can prolong its life by over 15 years. This would significantly save on the money spent on energy, repairs, and replacements.

Use Windows Instead of Lights

Windows are a great source of natural light. During the day one can save many hours of using electricity to power their house by simply opening the windows. People that habitually open all windows in the morning and use the natural light for their daily activities end up spending way less than those that fully depend on electricity.

Cover to Regulate Temperatures

Windows also play a huge role in the maintenance of the heat in the house. According to, windows are responsible for between 25% to 30% of the residential heating and cooling energy use. This shows that proper window use can save energy usage in a house. This can be achieved in many ways. Even window coverings may reduce the amount of UV light getting into the house and therefore the temperatures of the house.

Research shows that coating windows with a film can reduce the heat gain and consequently the cooling energy by up to 30%. Curtains, drapes, and blinds could also help manage the heat of the house. During the cold seasons, one needs to ensure that windows do not let cold air into the house. These checks could significantly lower the amounts of energy used.

Use Appliances Economically

Home appliances are responsible for significant amounts of energy used in the home. Simple steps like turning off appliances when not in use could significantly lower the amounts of energy used. Computers and televisions should be put off whenever they are not in use. The refrigerator should be placed far from the stove. Check the energy-saving abilities of all appliances when purchasing. This could have a significant impact on the monthly energy bills. Every parent should ensure that their children know these rules. The most important thing is to ensure that all appliances consume energy only when they are in use.

Schedule Lifestyle in a Way That Saves Energy

Our schedules can greatly affect the cost of energy at a home. Some of these schedules may include how we do our laundry and how we take our showers. One should only do their laundry when they have enough laundry to fill the drier. This ensures that one does laundry fewer times and therefore saves loads of energy. It is good to ensure that the laundry machine is in good condition to reduce the time used in washing and drying. One can also schedule their showers to when they least need hot water. Although they may be uncomfortable, cold showers are not only healthy but also could save hundreds of dollars.

Energy-saving is a deliberate step for every home. It begins with developing a consciousness of our energy expenditures. Energy-saving can be done by both one-time installations and by developing the right habits.