Is Your Home Ready For Winter?

Winter can be difficult on your home. It is very important that you’re prepared before it arrives. You’ll need to consider your family’s needs when it comes to snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. Otherwise, your home could suffer damage, and the children you parent could be uncomfortable in the cold. Here are some things to do to get your home ready for winter.

Prevent Flooding

Snow and ice can cause flooding as they melt and soak into the ground. If your basement is prone to flooding, make sure that you take steps to prevent that from happening. It is estimated that 60% of basements have a moisture problem, so your home likely needs to be prepared. Take steps to waterproof your basement and any other areas that are vulnerable to flooding. That way, they are less likely to take in water throughout the winter.

Control Humidity

You need to be careful with the humidity in your home throughout the winter. If it is too humid, your home is at risk of mold growth. However, if it is too dry, your body might become dehydrated. Parents and children alike might have to deal with dry skin and nosebleeds. You need to find the right amount of humidity. Air humidity should be controlled below 60% of relative humidity to prevent mildew or mold growth. Pick up a humidifier and make sure that you’re ready before winter.

Fix Insulation

If your home is poorly insulated, you’re going to lose a lot of your heat. This will make your house cooler, but it will also cause your heating system to work extra hard, using more fuel. As you prepare for winter, fix the insulation in your house. Find the areas that are lacking insulation and take steps to repair them. It might mean replacing windows or adding insulation to your walls or attic. You may also need to seal the cracks in your doors, especially the ones you open a lot. Of those who have a garage, 70% enter through the garage door. You’ll want to prevent heat from escaping that way when you’re constantly coming and going.

Prepare Windows

Your windows are a major source of heat loss. If you have older windows, consider replacing them with something more energy efficient. While this is an investment, it is one that will decrease your energy costs, eventually saving you money. If you aren’t in a position to make that investment, you can take other steps to seal your windows. Buying heavy curtains and installing them over the glass can provide you with insulation while still allowing you to use the window. Many people also use heavy blankets to block out the cold. This method will force you to sacrifice sunlight, but it will keep your house warmer in the winter.

Buy Blizzard Supplies

If you’re a parent, you want to make sure that you have everything you need in your house in order to feed your children in an emergency. When there is a blizzard in the forecast, you need to be prepared. You can avoid panic buying and large supermarket crowds by preparing for potential blizzards before the winter begins. Consider what you would need in order to stay safe and comfortable during a whiteout, then stock up. This may include shelf-stable food, light and heat sources, and blankets. You’ll also want things like shovels, ice scrapers, and something to melt ice on your stairs. Prepare now and you’ll be safe later.

Winter can be a harsh season, so you want to make sure you’re ready for it. Keep these things in mind as you get ready for the cold weather.