Sustainable Business Growth: Strategies for Finding Startup Funding and International Freight Forwarding Solutions for Green Companies

Freight port

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, more and more companies are making sustainability a core part of their business strategy. However, finding the funding and logistics solutions to support this shift can be a challenge. In this post, we’ll explore strategies for finding the best startup funding and the best international freight forwarding solutions for green companies and how the trend is growing with some statistics.

1- Look for specialized funding opportunities

There are a growing number of specialized funding opportunities for green companies, such as grants and loans from government agencies, impact investing, and crowdfunding. According to a report by PwC, socially responsible investing (SRI) assets under management are expected to reach $30 trillion by 2020. This trend is also reflected in the number of grants and funding opportunities available for green companies.

For example, the European Commission provides funding for a wide range of sustainable projects, and in the US, the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers loans and grants for green businesses.

2- Explore alternative forms of funding

In addition to traditional forms of funding, such as venture capital and angel investing, green companies can also explore alternative forms of funding, such as community investing and revenue-based financing. Community investing, for example, allows individuals to invest small amounts of money in local sustainable businesses, while revenue-based financing provides funding based on a percentage of future revenues.

According to a report by KPMG, community investing has grown by 50% annually in recent years, and revenue-based financing has seen a 90% increase in the number of deals in the past year.

3- Find green logistics solutions

When it comes to international freight forwarding, it’s important to find logistics solutions that align with your company’s sustainability goals. This can include looking for logistics providers that use fuel-efficient vehicles and ships, or that have a strong environmental management system in place. Additionally, consider using ocean freight or rail transport instead of air freight, as they generally have a lower carbon footprint. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the aviation industry accounts for 2% of global carbon dioxide emissions. By switching to more eco-friendly modes of transportation, green companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Companies like try to do that.

4- Prioritize transparency and communication

Make sure to select logistics providers that have transparent and effective communication channels, which can help you keep track of the progress and status of your shipments, and the providers can effectively communicate any issues that may arise. This helps you to have better control over your supply chain and make informed decisions based on real-time information. According to a report by Accenture, companies that prioritize transparency in their supply chains are 14% more likely to achieve higher profit margins.

5- Leverage social media and online resources

Many green companies are leveraging the power of social media and online resources to connect with potential investors and customers. Platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, for example, can be used to raise funds for sustainable projects, while networking sites such as LinkedIn can be used to connect with potential investors and partners. Consider creating a website and a strong online presence for your company to promote your brand, and also show your commitment to sustainability.

6- Network and attend sustainable business events

Attending sustainable business events such as trade shows, conferences, and networking events can help green companies connect with potential investors and partners, learn about the latest trends in sustainable business, and get inspiration for new ideas. Additionally, these events can be a good opportunity to showcase your business and products and gain media coverage.

7- Seek advice from experts and mentors

There are many experts and mentors in the field of sustainable business who can offer guidance and advice. Consider seeking out business coaches, consultants, or non-profit organizations that specialize in sustainable business, or look for mentorship programs that are focused on green business practices.

8- Measure and communicate your environmental impact

It is important to track and measure your environmental impact to make sure your business is on track to meet its sustainability goals and to communicate it to the stakeholder, customers, suppliers, and others. This can include monitoring your carbon footprint, energy and water usage, and waste management. By doing so, you’ll be able to identify areas where improvements can be made, and also have meaningful data to share with potential investors and partners.

Last Words

Starting a sustainable business, and scaling it up, is a challenging task that requires a combination of different strategies and resources. By using specialized funding opportunities, alternative forms of funding, green logistics, transparent communication, leveraging social media, attending sustainable events, seeking expert advice, and measuring and communicating the environmental impact of your business, green companies can navigate the business landscape, secure funding and logistics solutions, and achieve their sustainability goals. The trend of sustainable business is growing and more resources are available now than ever before, and by being proactive, green companies can secure their place in the market and pave the way for a more sustainable future.