5 Ways to Make Sure Your Home is a Safe Space

Your mental and physical health depend heavily on your home’s safety and security. Many accidents that require a visit to the emergency room can happen in and around the home. Of course, a workplace is also a common place for injuries, and unfortunately, you only have 20 days to file a workplace injury claim. Whether you’re at work or in your home, it’s important to improve your safety.

1. Slip and Fall Safety Risks

One of the best ways to protect your health at home is to manage slip and fall safety risks. For example, the bathroom can be dangerous because of wet floors. Using bath mats with rubber backing can significantly reduce the risk of a fall in the bathroom.

Tack down carpet runners and area rugs to ensure they cannot move when you walk on them. Repair loose tiles and other floorings to ensure that you reduce trip hazards. Making your home safer starts from the bottom up, so start with your flooring.

2. Reduce the Risk of Fire

If you have a wood-burning fireplace, have your chimney professionally cleaned annually. Chimney fires account for many household fires every year. Another culprit for starting fires in the home is dryer vents. Be sure to remove lint from the dryer screen every time you use the dryer, and have your vents professionally cleaned annually.

Cleaning dryer vents and HVAC vents have the added benefit of making your indoor air better for your health. Make sure you have smoke alarms installed in every bedroom, kitchen area, and floor hallway.

3. Get Repairs Done As Needed

Small problems can become health threats when not addressed. For example, in the United States, about 10% of homes have a plumbing leak that wastes 90 gallons of water daily. While water waste is costly and bad for the environment, another problem lurks.

Damp areas can be breeding grounds for mold and mildew, which can be health threats. Mold and mildew can also cause serious property damage. Get repairs done as soon as needed to avoid potential long-term problems and safety issues.

4. Get a Security System

The safety of your home is multi-layered. A security system can address the physical safety of your home. Knowing that a security system protects your home while you are home and when you are away can give you peace of mind.

Managing stress is an important part of staying healthy. About 28% of people in the U.S. have used yoga to get their stress under control. Yoga helps some people, and a security system and a safe home help others. Be sure to manage stress with both physical activities and practical updates.

5. Check Your Appliances

You must periodically check your appliances to ensure they are functioning properly. You should check your water heater every six months to ensure it is still in good condition. Check the temperature of your water heater and keep it set to the lowest setting to prevent burns.

Ensure your refrigerator and freezer temperatures are at the right setting for food safety. Have your heating and cooling system checked at least annually. Early detection of any issues can help reduce the risk of safety problems. It can also save you money by alerting you to a problem when it is less costly to repair.

Home safety should be a priority for you and your family’s health. Educate yourself about risks in your home that you can avoid by acting. Learn more about how to make your home a safer place to be.