Tips for Traveling With Your Pet

Man traveler sitting with a dog and travel bag on a dirt road in the field in summer back to the camera. Man hugging the dog and thinking about his journey

If you want to travel with your pet, it’s important to plan ahead. With so many hectic travel plans, it can be easy to forget to accommodate your pet. Fortunately, the tips below can help you ensure your furry friend has a safe and enjoyable trip.

Check Country Laws For Pet Travel

Most countries have laws specifically for pet owners when it comes to traveling. Do your research ahead of time and find out what the laws are for the country you’re visiting, so you won’t have any trouble at the border. Additionally, make sure you have all of your pet’s necessary documents to prove their health and vaccinations. Certain countries will require your pet to be quarantined for a certain period of time, so make sure you know the policies before you go. With 73% of millennials born between 1981 and 1994 owning pets, it’s important to keep them safe and healthy on the road.

Schedule a Vet Appointment

It’s vital to schedule a vet appointment before you take your pet on a trip. Your vet can give your pet a thorough check-up to make sure they’re healthy enough to travel. Additionally, make sure their vaccinations are up-to-date and they have the right treatment for any potential illnesses. Also, ask your vet for advice on how to care for your pet while traveling, such as nutrition and exercise. If your pet needs medications, your vet can provide you with enough medicine to last the duration of your trip.

Plan Lodging and Transportation

Before leaving, make sure to book pet-friendly lodging and transportation. Not all hotels or airlines will allow pets, so you’ll need to double-check the policies ahead of time. For instance, if you’re traveling to California, the fourth largest producer of wine in the world, for some delicious wine tasting, make sure to research the wineries that allow pets. Most importantly, it’s essential to provide your pet with a comfortable place to sleep and rest while traveling.

Consider Pet Boarding

If you’re not able to travel with your pet for your entire vacation, consider pet boarding. With pet boarding, you can leave your pet with a professional and experienced staff that will provide your furry friend with the best care. Additionally, most facilities offer extra services such as walks and playtime. If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional boarding, consider utilizing a pet-sitting service. That way, you won’t have to worry about leaving your pet behind for days at a time.

Gather Supplies

When it comes to supplies, make sure to bring enough food, water, bowls, and toys for your pet. You’ll need to bring the same pet food your pet has been eating to prevent digestive upset. Additionally, you should bring along a first-aid kit with antiseptic ointment, bandages, and antibiotic cream just in case of an emergency. You’ll also want to bring a leash and collar so you can keep your pet secure. Finally, if you’re planning on traveling by car, it’s important to make sure your pet has its own crate or carrier to travel in.

Have Emergency Numbers

Having emergency numbers on hand is essential for pet owners. It’s important to have the contact information of your vet as well as a local animal hospital in case you need urgent help while traveling. Additionally, make sure to keep track of all of your paperwork and documents in an organized folder or envelope so you can easily access them if needed. In addition, emergency numbers for local police stations can also be helpful. For instance, in California, you’ll legally need to contact the police within 24 hours if there are any injuries.

No matter where you’re traveling, following these tips will help make your trip with your pet as smooth and stress-free as possible. With the right preparation and research, your pet can have a safe and enjoyable journey with you.