Recreational Activities You Don’t Need to Be an Athlete to Pursue

Choosing a recreational activity should ideally be a simple task. However, this is only true for those who are generally active and enjoy being outdoors most of the time. For those who are not too keen on outdoor activities, finding something that has both health benefits and is fun can be tricky. The alternative is to find an indoor activity.

The Goal

Depending on the desired outcome, the choice of recreational activity may vary from one that requires a lot of energy to one of minimal movement. Some people are refreshed by vigorous outdoor activities where concentration and skill are required, such as skiing, surfing, or rock climbing.

Others, on the other hand, would prefer activities that require less exertion and minimal concentration, such as taking a hike along a trail, gardening, or going on a picnic. An activity that enables one to slow down and enjoy the environment. In the United States, for example, fishing is considered to be one of the most commonly practiced recreational activities. 

Considering Options

The factors that may determine the selection of a recreation activity vary from person to person. The cost, the availability of the activity, the weather, if one wants company or not, the risk involved, the health benefits, and if one has any old injuries are just a few. The following recreational activities are so simple that you do not have to be an athlete to do them.

  • Swimming. Those fortunate enough to live near the sea or a lake or have access to a swimming pool can put in a couple of hours of swimming a week. One can keep healthy by swimming laps or playing water sports.
  • Bird watching.  A walk in the nearby park or forest would be a good location for bird watching. The best part about it is that, along with sighting birds, one also gets to do their fair share of walking in search of the birds.
  • Playing catch.  A good old-fashioned game of catch is a good way to get one’s heart racing and is also an opportunity to bond with family and friends. This is one activity in which children can easily take part.
  • Camping. Where done in one’s backyard, the nearby wood, or along a hiking trail, camping is a great activity for family, friends, or even the solo hiker who is looking to spend some time in nature. One can keep it simple with a tent and a sleeping bag or go all out with the latest camping gear. 


Recreational activities can also be incorporated into physical therapy. The need for prescription pain medication decreases for clients that participate in physical therapy intervention methods within the first two weeks of a back, neck, or knee injury.

Spending time planning and participating in recreational activities can also be therapeutic. The idea of getting out and doing fun activities outside of your regular tasks can be uplifting. A change of tasks and being in a different environment have a lot of benefits.

Perceptions and Stereotypes

Unfortunately, some recreational activities have stereotypes attached to them. For example, golfers are thought to be mainly rich older men or professional golfers. This is not true as golfers include women, children, and younger men. Bungee jumpers are thought to be mostly people who are younger and more fit.

Though people tend to develop stereotypes throughout their life, according to FIP, these stereotypes develop at a young age. If one subconsciously holds these stereotypes, they may shy away from activities they would otherwise enjoy.

Regardless of the perceptions or stereotypes that others may hold towards the recreational activities that you are interested in, don’t let them hold you back. You never know what health benefits you may discover.