How to Keep Jewelry Safe During a Move

Moving houses does not have to be synonymous with losing items, especially small but valuable ones like jewelry. Read on to see how you can keep your jewelry safe while you move.

Pack Your Jewelry Carefully

The very first thing that you need to do is to pack your jewelry carefully. Buy jewelry storage boxes if you don’t already have some and use them to keep your jewelry safe and secure. You may wrap each individual piece in protective wrapping paper or a soft, dry cloth and use a regular box if you don’t have jewelry boxes. If you do this, make sure that the box is hard enough to keep your pieces safe from the bumpy ride. Other safe storage ideas include placing delicate necklaces inside straws so they don’t tangle and using toilet paper rolls in the same way for larger pieces.

Keep It With You

Another important thing you can do is to try and carry your jewelry with you during the move, rather than put it in the moving truck. Almost 31 million people moved in 2019 alone in the United States, and this is a large number of people. This means that there’s a good chance that you know one or more people who have moved recently, and whom you can ask to share tips with you about how they kept their jewelry safe. Borrow different ideas of how and where to keep your jewelry while you move, as well as where not to, so you don’t make a costly mistake but improve the safety of your precious jewelry.

Insure it

You could also take out insurance for your jewelry, and this will help you keep it safe while transporting it, as well as in other situations, as you specify. Doing this will allow you peace of mind throughout the entire process, as you will know that your valuables are safe no matter what happens. This is important for everyone, especially a parent, who will likely have their hands full throughout the process. While you will experience pain as a result of sentiments attached to a piece you love if it gets lost or damaged, you will be able to have it replaced. In this case, half a loss is better than a full one, which would occur if you lost your jewelry with no hope of having it replaced. Shop around for good covers for jewelry and make sure to read the fine print so you don’t experience any negative surprises down the road when making a claim.

Deposit it in a Local Bank

Finally, if you’re moving locally, you could deposit your jewelry in a local bank’s safe deposit box. This will see that your jewelry stays safe while you go through the hassles of moving. Once everything has settled down, you can retrieve your cherished jewelry and take it to its new home where you can store or display it as you like. If you have jewelry with diamonds in it, which rank an amazing 10 on the Mohs scale, you will need to take extra care as they’re highly valuable. Diamonds are nature’s most concentrated form of pure carbon, and they’re also the strongest minerals on earth. Since you know the value of each piece of jewelry you own, you can tell whether it will be worth paying for in order to keep it safely stored.

These tips should enable you to keep your jewelry safe during your move. You will be happy to place your pieces in your new home, so it’s a good idea to do all that you can do to ensure that you get the chance to enjoy your jewelry in your new home.